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When is a trade war, not a trade war? When it’s a boss game.

By Ed Margot FE Invest

In our latest article, Ed Margot FEI’s Investment Strategist, contemplates the power struggle that raging between the world’s two largest superpowers: China and the USA. All, it appears, is not as it seems on the surface…

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How do you demonstrate to clients that you are making the best decisions on their behalf?

By Amina Dione FE Analytics

Whether you build portfolios or use third party models, the Dynamic Portfolio Tool (DPT) on FE Analytics can evaluate and display the historic performance of a portfolio and mark key switch points.


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The UK’s fastest growing DFM on platform now available on 7IM

By Arianna Beech FE Invest

Since FE Invest launched its Managed Portfolio Service in 2015, it has gained over 2 billion in assets under management. This has resulted in FE Invest being named the fastest growing Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM) on platform according to research from Platforum*.

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Are active managers pulling their weight?

By Charles Younes FE Invest

Financial experts have long debated whether investors should go down the active or the passive route when it comes to selecting their investments. The benefit of passive funds can largely be put down to the lower fees they charge over their active counterparts. On the contrary, the benefit of an active fund is that, while more expensive, it offers the possibility of outperforming the benchmark and returning greater profits to the investor.

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MiFID II, EMT and target market

By Mikkel Bates FE Invest, MiFid II, target market

It goes without saying that investments should only be recommended to, or included in discretionary portfolios of, clients whose needs, characteristics and objectives they meet. MiFID II has formalised this obligation by requiring advisers, platforms and DFMs (collectively referred to as distributors) to consider matching any funds or products with target markets based on given criteria. 

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Can cash be used as a diversifier?

By Charles Younes FE Invest

A recent study by Ben Carlson showed “the only one of the [US-based] three major asset classes that’s up this year is actually cash”. Carlson has found out that “it’s only happened 10 times in 92 years”. I decided to apply the same analysis to UK-based investors, who have not benefited from several interest rates hikes in 2018.

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Should you still be investing in property funds with Brexit looming?

By Arianna Beech FE Invest, Property

Following the EU referendum in 2016, investors expected property markets to fall sharply, resulting in a rush of withdrawals from property funds. Several funds had to suspend withdrawals or apply value adjustments to stave off the tide while they raised money through the sale of assets. Despite the initial panic most of the affected funds have now re-opened and the sector overall has performed relatively well since 2017. We give our view on what's next for the sector. 

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Top FCA Findings following the launch of MiFID II

By Arianna Beech

Following the launch of MiFID II, the FCA recently carried out a review of MiFID authorised firms* to gage how firms are complying with the new rules and what challenges they have faced.

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FE Invest: Our 5 key investment decisions in 2018

By Kaavya Dijendranath

At FE Invest, our investment philosophy is built around managing and adjusting risk to deliver optimal returns for clients. Below we look at 5 key investment successes our robust methodology has offered in 2018.

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12 ways FE helped Advisers in 2018

By Kaavya Dijendranath

As everybody is getting into the festive spirit – we thought we’d use the 12 Days of Christmas song as inspiration to look at 12 ways FE has helped Advisers this year.  So why not grab a mince pie and scroll through our year in review...

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