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Notification of dividend interest changes

By Corporate FE News

On April 6th, new UK taxation will be applied to dividends

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True relative risk: multiple fund risk scores combined often give a lower overall score – and shouldn’t be assessed in isolation

By Corporate FE News

Advisers can now assess the risk levels of any given portfolio, be it an adviser-constructed portfolio or a model portfolio, using FE Portfolio Risk Scores available through FE Analytics.

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FE’s new service to drive transparency and de-risk asset managers’ funds data

By Corporate FE News

FE’s new service addresses the on-going need for clean data in the asset management industry to bring forth greater transparency to ultimately support the end-investor.

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13 funds make FE Trustnet’s inaugural recommended ethical funds list

By Corporate FE News

Just thirteen ethical funds from the ethical and socially responsible investment universe made the cut in the inaugural recommended ethical funds list from ratings, research and investment data specialists FE Trustnet. Henderson Global Investors bags three spots for its sustainable range. 

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