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FE’s new service to drive transparency and de-risk asset managers’ funds data

By Corporate FE News

Updated on Tuesday, 27 October, 2015

FE’s new service addresses the on-going need for clean data in the asset management industry to bring forth greater transparency to ultimately support the end-investor.


Asset managers on the hunt for a comprehensive data cleaning and distribution service that helps de-risk from the problems associated with dirty-data will welcome Precision +, a newly launched data management package from investment data experts FE.

Precision + is a comprehensive data management service which validates the data and reports any inconstancies or anomalies back to the manager, before disseminating it to vendors and platforms on their behalf to ensure total consistency across the market – and thus removing the headaches of in-house data cleaning and distribution.

The service comes at a time of increased regulatory pressures on asset managers to take extra care when it comes to their data.

Precision + helps keep managers in-line with new regulation (FCA SYSC 4.1.1) requiring them to put in place effective information processing systems. Precision + helps de-risk from data errors which can then lead to problems with the regulator.

Sam Walker, data Director at FE said: “We all know that an asset manager’s data is one of the cornerstones of their business – clean, reliable data means the end investor has access to an accurate, transparent representation of what they’re investing in – all of which helps build trust in the product and the industry as a whole.

“Accurate and timely data also helps bring greater clarity to this industry – and therefore the importance of clean funds data just cannot be stressed enough, especially in light of the current regulatory landscape.

“Through Analytics and Trustnet and our data feeds we provide data to over 80% of the market in one form or another – so we know how difficult it is to get consistent data. Which also means we know just how important it is.  Not many people would be impressed if their bank account showed different figures online, on a postal statement or in the branch – and the same goes here.”

Further, Precision + is scalable to expand as a business grows therefore not penalising those who have been successful and want to offer more products and services – the pricing model for Precision + charges per file type rather than per share class.

Key points:

  • Precision + is a comprehensive data management service revolving around the cornerstone of a clean ‘golden source’ of data.

  • Enables asset managers/pension providers to take control of their data and unlock the value stored within it, while mitigating risk associated with data errors

  • Turns data from an admin burden into a valuable asset in which to communicate with their customers

  • Precision + users are also add-on ‘modules’ that can be used to communicate with customers- +digital, +documents, +datafeeds, +FE Analytics.

  • Precision + charges per file type rather than per share class



Read more: Asset managers neglect data at their own peril