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Mounting demand paves way for model portfolio service FE Invest to be added to three new platforms

By Corporate

Updated on Friday, 6 May, 2016

FE is pleased to announce that the FE Invest Model Portfolios are now available via three more of the UK’s leading platforms following increasing demand from the financial adviser community. 

  • FE Invest portfolios are now accessible via Aviva, Novia and Transact

Aviva, Novia and Transact join Standard Life in making the FE Invest Model Portfolio range of risk optimised model portfolios – targeted at the complete range of investor risk profiles - more widely available to advisers. (Please see below for more information on the model portfolio selection process.)

Head of FE Research Rob Gleeson says: “The success of our model portfolio offering is clearly being recognised across the industry as advisers are seeking a transparent, straightforward third party offering for their investors, whilst remaining in control of their client relationship – and the strong demand is a clear reflection of that.

“Advisers increasingly see the benefit of outsourcing fund selection and governance to FE – we have more than 20 years’ experience in the industry. This gives advisers a chance to focus on spending time with clients and better understand those individuals and their unique financial needs, which, in the current market – with constant chatter of robo advice and the threat of a sweeping takeover from technology – will be the key to client retention and also attracting new ones.”

Since its launch in late 2012, FE Invest continues to be very popular among advisers as the portfolios allow advisers to prove that they are working to a recognised, repeatable and compliant process. Advisers can analyse holdings data on FE Invest and any changes made to FEI portfolios are communicated instantly. FE Invest is also fully integrated to FE Analytics, and thus providing advisers with a fully verifiable audit trail.

The three new platforms join Standard Life in hosting FE’s Invest portfolios. Between the four wraps – advisers across the UK can now have access to FE Invest portfolios.

The Novia Platform has approximately 5,000 registered individuals, while Aviva has more than 5,100 registered firms on its platform.

Pippa Russell, head of corporate communications at Novia, says: “We are delighted to be providing access to the FE models on our platform. FE has an enormous amount of experience and expertise in the investment space. The Crown ratings service, for example, is known for providing an industry benchmark for investment excellence. We have seen a huge rise in the use of models on the Novia platform and we are thrilled to be broadening the range available to our adviser users”

It is not just the FE Invest Model portfolios that are seeing a rise in adviser demand – the FE Invest Approved List (part of the FE Invest offering) has also seen a strong rise in usage among the adviser community.

Rob Gleeson adds: “When it comes to FEI – it’s not just the portfolios that are a success with the industry – you only need to look at how widely used the FE Invest Approved List is in the adviser industry in the investment fund selection process. Since launch we have added ethical funds as well as physical property funds to meet the needs of our advisers with clients with more niche requirements.